Monday, April 23, 2012

Jen's Guidelines and Goals

I am one of those people.  You know the ones:  if something they own gets dirty, stained, broken or runs out of batteries, they chuck it and buy something new, clean and in a box or bag.  Had I the money (or a natural disaster), I would rather get rid of everything I own and start from scratch.  It's the "neat" way to get organized, and so much more fun than cleaning or repairing stuff.

Well, that time is about to change...

A couple of years ago, I was watching a news show about a family that decided not to buy anything but food and essentials for an entire year.  Not only were they able to cut costs, but they grew closer as most of their new expensive were for family vacations and dinners.  They made pies for gifts, greatly reduced their excess and seemed all the happier for it.

While I would love to cut expenses, my ultimate motivation for this challenge is to change my mindset.  The Lord has provided so well for me, but I ignore it.  Now, I'm not talking about physical possessions (though He's blessed my hubby with a great job); I mean that He's blessed me with health, a great family, a fantastic group of friends, not to mention His Word and Spirit.  However, I take all of these things for granted because I'm more concerned with stuff: organizing my stuff, finding more stuff and getting rid of old stuff.  Essentially, my life is more about STUFF than about HIM, and I want to change that.
So, here goes...

My Goals
1. I hope, by the end of this year, to allow the Spirit to change my heart.
2. I hope that I will not longer covet the newest stuff, but will be more content with what I have and find my fulfillment in Him.
3. I hope to greatly reduce our outgoing expenses.
4. I hope to give significantly more.
5. I hope to set an example for our children.

My Guidelines
1.  My challenge will last for a year, but with a re-evaluation at 6 months to determine more/less things that should be given up.
2.  Food items and essentials (underwear, cosmetics, health products) will be bought new; but, hopefully, in lesser quantities.
3.  School supplies, craft supplies and paper products are allowed and can be bought new.
4.  Activities, vacations, etc. are unlimited.
5.  Gift cards are allowed as gifts to others.
6.  All electronic books must be borrowed.

These goals and guidelines will likely change for us, but this is where it stands now.  Being a homeschooling family, school supplies will not be compromised, but I'm hoping to find some fun ways to reduce our consumption.

Well, that's it!  Starting May 1st, it will begin.  Say prayer for us and we'll do the same for you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi There!

    I saw that you were interested in the Arbonne products that I donated to Kate's giveway on "The Small Things Blog" site. When I clicked your name to reply, it brought me here! If you'll email me your name, address, and if you're interested in primer, foundation (please specify if you have light, medium, or dark skin so I can get you samples specifically for you), or other products.

    We also have:

    •organic, vegan baby care products
    •prestige level skin care (anti-aging, acne, etc)
    •top of the line cosmetics (foundation, mineral powder, eye shadows, lip sticks, etc.)
    •vegan health and wellness products (protein shakes, vitamins, fiber booster, and much more) -
    •an incredible weight loss program I can help you with!

    All of our products have a 45 day money back guarantee, so if for some reason it is the wrong shade or you're not 100% pleased with a product, Arbonne has been around for 32 years and will stand behind their guarantee, no questions asked. You can go to and order, you'll just be asked for a sponsor ID#, which will be: 18706048

    If you need samples of anything in particular, please email me your info and I'll make sure to take good care of you! Thank you for your interest in Arbonne, I can't wait to help you find what works best for you.

    Katy G. (
